Hi, my name is Caleb. I am six years old and like to draw. I draw everywhere. I draw all the time. I draw on everything.
I leave small bits of paper all over the house, like leaves in the autumn. I leave them in the car, and in books, and on tables and even under pillows. Eventually my dad made me a blogsite so I could leave all my bits of paper here. He said our house would be much neater if I did. And not such a fire hazard.
My dad is quite weird sometimes.
I am not the best drawer in my class, but I love drawing and my dad says sometimes quantity beats quality.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dinosaur Volcano

Help! Me!         -     what?

Help someone

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ghost Dog

Hi says the bag gost
roof goes the gost dog

Can we have apple pi for diner!

I love you mom + dad.
can we have apple pi for diner!
pleas! can we pleas!
love caleb

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

This is a surfboard that's been bitten by a shark

A beach. A sandcastle. Doggie footprints in the sand. The tranquil sea.
This is a surfboard that's been bitten by a shark

Baby dragon goes squeak!

Baby Dragon goes "Squeak!"
Mama Dragon goes "Roar!"